The Fashion and Race Database is an online platform filled with tools that expand the narrative of fashion history and challenge mis-representation within the fashion system.
Est. 2017.
Check out our podcast that highlights the contributions of Black culture to fashion. 👇🏽
Apr 26
Join us Tomorrow, April 27, at 1pm EST for a conversation between our Founder, Kimberly Jenkins, and the Senior Advocacy Manager of @remakeourworld, Rebecca Coughlan. Together they will discuss the latest documentary, “Brandy Hellville & the Cult of Fast Fashion,” followed by a Q&A. 🎟 This virtua...Read more
Apr 24
Join us Tomorrow, April 25 at 11AM EST as we present a case study that examines the work of @mivelabs and local solutions for textile waste. Co-Founder of Mive Labs, Maya Caine will lead us through a presentation on the research supporting their 2023 Central Ohio Textile & Fashion Waste Report, whil...Read more
Apr 22
Join us this Saturday, April 27 at 1pm EST for a conversation between our Founder, Kimberly Jenkins and the Senior Advocacy Manager of @remakeourworld, Rebecca Coughlan. Together they will discuss the latest documentary, “Brandy Hellville & the Cult of Fast Fashion,” followed by a Q&A. 🎟 This vir...Read more
Apr 18
Join us next Thursday, April 25 at 11AM EST as we present a case study that examines the work of @mivelabs and local solutions for textile waste. Co-Founder of Mive Labs, Maya Caine will lead us through a presentation on the research supporting their 2023 Central Ohio Textile & Fashion Waste Report,...Read more
Apr 16
As we continue our exploration into “Sustainability” we bring you the following Essay, written by scholar, Renée Robinson, “Environmental (In)justice in the Fashion Industry: How does law construct the fashion industry, racial capitalism and the environment?” Link in bio to read the full piece. —...Read more